Friday, August 13, 2010

Makeup Karakter : Kuntilanak

Sekarang di Indonesia film horor lagi ngetrend ya..
Walau temanya hampir2 sama, tapi lagi di minati memang..
Hmm.. jadi berimajinasi tentang Kuntilanak, si setan putih yang seneng ketawa-ketiwi melengking sampe bikin bulu merinding, hehe..
Berikut hasil imajinasi dan step-by-step bikin si neng kunti, tapi jangan takut beneran ya, ini hanya makeup karakternya saja kok..

Hehe serem ngga??
Yuk, Lets start...

Before Makeup

Bersihkan seluruh wajah dengan cleansing milk lalu akhiri dengan toner untuk penyegar.. selanjutnya beri foundation putih keseluruh wajah, kecuali area mata, lalu taburkan bedak bayi, selanjutnya untuk membuat efek luka di wajah, gambar di daerah wajah dimana luka ingin tampak, lalu beri masker peel off..

Lalu tempelkan kapas pada seluruh area yang di beri masker peel off, pastikan menempel sempurna yaa...

Lalu warnai kapas dan daerah sekitarnya dengan face painting warna merah..

Sekarang buat matanya yuk.. Mudah sekali hanya isi area mata dengan face painting warna hitam sampai area alis...

Dah jadi de...
Sekarang tinggal rambut dan kostum..
untuk rambut hanya di sasak acak saja..
Jadi de kuntilanak jadi-jadiannya...
That's the magic of makeup..

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Face Painting Makeup using La Tulipe Body Painting Cosmetics

Hi! meet me again..
Today with my Face Painting make up..

they are flowers.. :)
(hehe.. I love flowers..)

I painted them using La Tulipe Body Painting Cosmetics..

I bought them at La Tulipe Make up counter at one mall in Jakarta, the price is Rp.175.000, they have 12 colors in pots and I also get 1 bottle of body painting remover for free, what an offer! In my opinion they also have good quality material, I recommend them to MUA who is looking for body painting from local cosmetics. Well I think I am going to buy them again if mine run off..

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hair Of The Day : Simple Twist for Ana

Hi! meet me again with hair-do today..

It's simple twist, but I think it's eternally beautiful..

it suits to the party..
suits to celebrate Kartini day.. (of course with Kebaya..)
or I think it suits for wedding hair too.. ask your wedding hair style to set it to you, don't forget to ask her to add some fresh rose, trust me, you'll look gorgeous..

well.. wish you enjoy my hair-do today, and get inspired..

Nb: - I did the makeup too, but she asked so soft makeup..
- The picture was taken by my javelin too, so sorry for bad resolution.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My makeup for LPPMS event..

Just wanna share you my makeup today..

LPPMS, stands for Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Mooryati Sudibyo, the place I learnt makeup had the event and they asked me to contribute, so here is my result..

I think it's quite good, the model is local model from LPPMS, her name is Wika..
The theme is Party makeup and the wardrobe by Lenny Agustin..

wish you enjoy it..

* Ps: I did the hair style too.. :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Makeup before and after Nurul

Her name is Nurul, she is friend of mine, she is fun and quite talcative too, hehe.. I try to make over her using local brand cosmetics, I think the result is not bad..

Makeup theme: Party makeup..

FOTD: To get the shade I wanted, I mixed Moors liquid foundation (I forgot the shade but it's not too light) with Moors paint stick dark foundation, the comparison 2:1, for her chubby cheek I applied shading using Moors paint stick dark foundation and for highligter using Moors concelear, l/p: transclucent powder by Moors and for shading I used Lt Pro shade umbro, this is the darkest shade color l/p for local brand cosmetics I think.. IMHO

EOTD: Eye makeup palette by Moors, I mixed green and yellow for the eyelid, for the soket I used blue and purple, pencil eyeliner, liquid eyeliner and false lashes for the last touch.

LOTD: Brown series Lip palette by Lt Pro.

COTD : Blush-on series palette by moors

well.. I wish you enjoy my makeup today..

*the picture took by my Javelline..